18-years of service





CRICOS Provider Code:03048D

There are many institutions of higher education nationally and internationally, so why should you choose APIC? The answer is simple, no other institution offers the opportunities that APIC provides to help students realise their talent and achieve their goals. We are not a mass education institution. We are about individuals and their preparation to enter and succeed in the world of business and industry. We invest twice as much time and effort as that of a typical higher education institution in order to build our students’ capabilities to thrive in today’s fast paced globalised world.

This school located in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane 

Course list:
Higher Diploma course (Equivalent to 1st year of Bachelor degree) 
- Diploma of Business
- Diploma of Business Information Systems

Bachelor course
- Bachelor of Business ( Commerce and Management)
- Bachelor of Business Information Systems
Master course
Business Management
- Master of Business Administration (MBA) 2 years
- Master of Business Management (MBM) 1.5 years
- Graduate Diploma of Business Management 1 year
- Graduate Certificate in Business Management 6 months
Project Management
- Master of Business and Project Management 2 years
- Graduate Diploma of Project Management 1 years
- Graduate Certificate in Project Management 6 months
Please visit school website at  http://apicollege.edu.au


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